... this careless wretch that made such a mockery of prayer, ready to set foot a-land, cried out: ‘Not without mustard, good Lord, not without mustard’ — as though it had been the greatest torment in the world to have eaten haberdine without mustard.
Hello and welcome to the homepage of Brett Greatley-Hirsch, an academic website in five acts, with the customary prologue, intermission, and jigs. Here you’ll find information about my research interests and teaching, my curriculum vitae, and my extra-curricular forays into the wonderful world of Irish bagpipes.
The Stag and Standard
Like Shakespeare (“non sanz droict”), I have also fashioned my own coat-of-arms (“non sanz mustarde”). Well, I think so at least — I’ve yet to come across authentic heraldry featuring a stag (a “Hirsch”) rampant holding a mustard pot, complete with spoon. Make fun of that, Jonson!