
... this careless wretch that made such a mockery of prayer, ready to set foot a-land, cried out: ‘Not without mustard, good Lord, not without mustard’ — as though it had been the greatest torment in the world to have eaten haberdine without mustard.

Thomas Nashe, Pierce Penniless, His Supplication to the Devil (1592)

Hello and welcome to the homepage of Brett Greatley-Hirsch, an academic website in five acts, with the customary prologue, intermission, and jigs. Here you’ll find information about my research interests and teaching, my curriculum vitae, and my extra-curricular forays into the wonderful world of Irish bagpipes.

The Stag and Standard

Like Shakespeare (“non sanz droict”), I have also fashioned my own coat-of-arms (“non sanz mustarde”). Well, I think so at least — I’ve yet to come across authentic heraldry featuring a stag (a “Hirsch”) rampant holding a mustard pot, complete with spoon. Make fun of that, Jonson!

Prof Brett Greatley-Hirsch
School of English, University of Leeds
Woodhouse Lane, Leeds, LS2 9JT
United Kingdom
